Who we are

St. Luke’s is a traditional Anglican parish using the historic 1928 American Book of Common Prayer as its template for worship and its standard for sound doctrine.

We are a parish of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic States of the Anglican Catholic Church, and the Rt. Rev’d Donald Francis Lerow is our Bishop Ordinary.

Here we delight to proclaim the unchanging Good News of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who was made made man by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary, who offered Himself on the Cross, once for all, as the only sacrifice and satisfaction for sin; who was raised bodily from the dead; and for whose second coming, in glory, we wait.
And in our Liturgy of the Sacrifice (Holy Communion, the Eucharist, or the Mass, call it whatever you like!), Jesus Christ nourishes us with His Body and Blood, really present in the consecrated bread and wine, making of us members of His Mystical Body.

We teach nothing that is not grounded in Scripture. We believe nothing that the Apostolic Fathers did not believe. With steadfast fidelity we adhere to this, our Biblical and Catholic faith, in all its fullness and integrity.

Vestry & Officials

Jim Breeden, Senior Warden 
Bud Gaylor, Junior Warden
Sarah Gannon
Donna Pringle, Treasurer

Parish Trustees

David Gannon
Walter "Bud" Gaylord
Frederick Robinson